The Role of Technologies in Relationship Management and Internal Marketing: a preliminary contribution


  • Vasco RIBEIRO SANTOS CiTUR research member ISLA Santarém
  • Eduarda MENDES Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal
  • Bruno SOUSA Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal CiTUR research member
  • Márcia GONCALVES ISAG – European Business School, Portugal NIDISAG research member
  • Cláudia VELOSO Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, GOVCOPP research member
  • Isabel REIS ISLA Santarém CEFAGE - UE

Palabras clave:

Health Technologies, Internal Communication, Relational Marketing, Internal Marketing.


The present study aims to understand the impact and the role of
technologies in a hospital context, and in relationships management from an
internal perspective (internal marketing). Based on a case study, the investigation
also aims to analyze how internal communication is carried out between
employees as well as employees and managers.




Cómo citar

RIBEIRO SANTOS, V., MENDES, E. ., SOUSA, B. ., GONCALVES, M. ., VELOSO, C. ., & REIS, I. . (2021). The Role of Technologies in Relationship Management and Internal Marketing: a preliminary contribution. GLOBAL RESEARCH REVIEW, 1(02), 01–11. Recuperado a partir de