Peer Review Process
The scientific editors of Global Research Review (GRR) evaluate each submission that warrant further consideration for publication are sent out for in-depth peer review by reviewers.
Peer review
The Global Research Review operate under a single-blind peer review process. This means that editors and reviewers know the identity of the authors; however, the authors do not know the identity of the editors or reviewers. The reviewers’ identifies are also kept anonymous from each other.
When a paper is submitted to a Global Research Review, it first goes through a technical check by the editorial office (selected and processed by the Associate Editors representing the region from which the paper submission originated). This ensures all necessary items are included in the submission prior to sending to a scientific editor for evaluation.
If the scientific editor deems that the manuscript worthy of full peer review, the scientific editor will then send the manuscript out for in-depth peer review by reviewers.
A decision can be made at any point in the evaluation process to reject the manuscript, whether this be without review, or with review. The final decision on every manuscript is made by a scientific editor.
The submitted manuscript is treated as a confidential document. Reviewers should eliminate all copies of the manuscript after review and not share the manuscript with third parties without the explicit permission of the editor-in-chief.
Reviewers should not make personal or professional use of data, results, interpretations or conclusions prior to their publication without the specific and express permission of the authors.
Conflicts of interest
If a scientific editor or reviewer cannot judge a paper impartially, they should not accept the invitation to evaluate or review it.
If a scientific editor or reviewer has any professional, personal, or financial affiliations that are or even may be perceived as a conflict of interest in evaluating or reviewing the manuscript, they should not accept the invitation for evaluate or review.
The same, if this conflict of interest is uncovered after seeing the full manuscript materials, they should recuse themselves immediately and fully inform the journal editors.
If there is an aspect of a manuscript that a reviewer does not feel they are qualified to evaluate, they should inform the editor in chief.