Micro – nutrients of red – billy tilapia (coptodon zillii) among different Egyptian water masses


  • Dr. Hadeer SAIED Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt


Micro-nutrients, Coptodom Zillii, Cichild fishes


Fishes concentrate heavy metal from surrounding environment
inside their tissues. The study aims to determine the micro –
nutrient contents (Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb) of Coptodon zillii in Bardwail
Lagoon, Mediterranean Sea, Brackish Water Lagoon and Lake
Timsah. The results showed that the highest nutrients were in
Brackish Water Lagoon while the lowest ones in Mediterranean
Sea site. Considering to nutrients, the highest value was 36.2
mg/ Kg of Fe while the lowest value was 0.57 mg/ Kg of Mn.
The study approved the high – nutrition value of Coptodon zillii
and healthy minerals content minerals among its flesh.




How to Cite

SAIED, H. . (2021). Micro – nutrients of red – billy tilapia (coptodon zillii) among different Egyptian water masses. GLOBAL RESEARCH REVIEW, 1(02), 60–62. Retrieved from https://grrjournal.org/index.php/GRR/article/view/15



Short communication